About: Amaru Job Board

At Amaru, we are dedicated to helping job seekers find opportunities that match their skills and experience. That's why we have created a job board that connects job seekers with employers who are looking for diverse individuals to join their team.

The process of posting a job on our board is simple. Employers contact Amaru and provide details of the job opening. We will then review each job against our criteria, which is listed on our home page. Our criteria ensure that the jobs posted on our board are aligned with our mission of connecting diverse talent to enterprises while promoting upward mobility to diverse job seekers. Every job we post has a relationship behind it.

Each role posted on the Amaru job board will be available for job seekers for a maximum of 30 days. After that, the role will be taken down unless the recruiter/hiring manager informs us that the role should be kept longer. This ensures that the job board is up-to-date and job seekers see only the most recent job postings.

When you apply to a role, please be sure to email arturo@goamaru.com with the subject line of the role along with your application materials and a quick note introducing yourself so that we can amplify your application. Please note we can not guarantee employment, but we can guarantee increased visibility.